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Agostic Interactions |
Three examples of agostic interactions are shown below. Compound B, synthesized by Al Cotton and coworkers in 1974, was the first example of an agostic interaction. In compound C the agostic structure is much more stable than either the alkene-hydride or the alkyl.
Structural information is best gained from neutron diffraction data given the difficulty that exists in pinpointing hydrogen atom positions by X-ray diffraction. Typical M-H distances in agostic complexes are about 1.85 to 2.4 angstroms.
As an example of these features, consider compound B above. The M-H distance was found to be 2.1 angstroms, IR bands were observed at 2704 and 2664 cm-1 and the agostic proton was observed at -3.8 ppm. The two hydrogens on the agostic methylene are rapidly switching between terminal and agostic on the NMR time scale.
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This page was last updated Tuesday, March 31, 2015
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