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Home Page --> Tutorial Lesson 7, Rotating Glass

Tutorial Lesson 7, Rotating Glass
Lesson 6
(Cutting Glass)
Lesson 8
(Fire Polishing)

Rotating Glass

This is a difficult skill to develop and the lesson plan will minimize its use. However, it is a valuable and worthwhile skill to acquire and your glass products will reflect your proficiency in rotating glass tubing. Before we rotate glass in a torch, we need to practice!

  1. Select a glass tube from the previous lesson.

  2. Grasp the tubing with both hands and hold it horizontally.

  3. Rotate the glass in a clockwise (top away from you) direction.
  4. Tip: Hold your hands palm down. Your thumb and pointer finger will serve as the "motors" turning the glass tubing. Your remaining fingers will squeeze the tubing against your palm. These fingers serve as a sleeve bearing, aiding in the support and stability of the glass tube while rotating.

    To self-test your mastery of rotation skills, select two pieces of glass tubing 10 mm OD and approximately 8 inches in length. If you wish, use a marker or sticker on each piece to mark their alignment. Then, as shown above, place one piece of tubing in each hand and practice rotation, aligning each tube to the same imaginary centerline. Synchronize your rotation and observe for consistent alignment.

    Next, practice rotation with a blowhose assembly attached to one tube.

    Proficient rotation ability takes many hours/days of practice to acquire. It will become apparent as you develop your glassblowing talent the importance of developing this skill.

Tutorial Lesson 7, Rotating Glass
Lesson 6
(Cutting Glass)
Lesson 8
(Fire Polishing)

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