From: Ralph Stuart <ralph**At_Symbol_Here**>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] ACS Chemical Health & Safety journal calls for Papers On Lab Design
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 13:45:49 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: FF0ABBF0-77E8-4315-834D-AA6BD3778648**At_Symbol_Here**

ACS Chemical Health & Safety Call for Papers on "Laboratory Design to Enable Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Research.‰??

To highlight recent work related to laboratory design issues, the journal ACS Chemical Health & Safety is planning a Virtual Special Issue entitled ‰??Laboratory Design to Enable Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Research.‰??

The guest editors for this issue, listed below, invite you or someone you suggest to participate as an author of a manuscript. Please let us know if you are interested in contributing to this issue. We are interested in perspectives from all stakeholders in programming, designing, operating and using laboratory facilities in general as well as specialized facilities related to emerging resource fields.

The manuscript submission deadline is August 1, 2020, with an issue date of December 2020. Manuscripts may include scholarly discussions, original research, critical examinations of safety incidents or aspects of specific designs, or reviews on topics and methodologies that advance chemical health and safety knowledge. More information about the journal can be found online at

What is a Virtual Special Issue? Each paper will be published in a regular issue shortly after it is accepted for publication. Once all papers for the special issues have been accepted, they will be collected on a single webpage, giving additional exposure to each author‰??s work. This website will be announced in another regular issue that includes an editorial coordinated by the guest editors.

We hope that you will be able to contribute to what promises to be a very stimulating and valuable Special Issue of the Journal. Please reach out to any of us with any questions.

Thank you,

Ralph Stuart ,
Ellen Sweet , and
Michael Labosky

Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO
American Chemical Society Committee on Chemical Safety

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