This privacy policy refers to web pages in the www.ilpi.com domain. A separate privacy policy is available for our retail division, Safety Emporium.
At ILPI we take privacy very seriously. If there's one thing we can't stand, it is certain ad agencies that write cookies on your hard drive that last until (no kidding) the year 2010 or 2037 every time you visit one of their sponsored pages. Get real, guys. Where someone surfs day to day is their own business, not a marketer's. We don't torture and annoy our visitors this way. Here at ILPI, we only use cookies in the rare circumstances when we need to make sure the server is not confusing your input with another user's. And when we do write cookies, they are erased as soon as you quit your browser. We don't ask you for any personal information, and nothing input on any of our web pages (such as this fun page) is ever stored or recorded. Further, we also reject any advertisers who wish to use "web bugs", 1x1 "invisible" gif images that are uniquely coded to identify you as you move from web site to web site even if you have cookies disabled in your browser. We find this an insidious invasion of privacy. See this handy article for further information.
For those that are employees of our corporate customers, we only gather information required by our contractual commitments. While this will obviously be shared with your employer in most cases, we will otherwise hold such information in the strictest confidence (unless compelled to do so by the legal system).
We have a zero tolerance policy for spam and spammers. Any IP address that sends us spam is permanently blocked from sending us additional email. In addition, we block all inbound email from Brazil, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea and India (servers with host names ending in *.br, *.cn, *.tw, *.hk *.kr, and *.in) because 99.99% of the email we receive from those locations are improperly open proxies or spam-friendly. This list now includes a good chunk of Poland and Spain, too. If you are a legitimate user from one of those regions need to contact us with a non-spam message, use a free email account from Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. and your mail should reach us.
We also use SpamCop and Spamhaus real-time DNS black lists to automatically block all email from known spam sources. If your email is rejected by one of these lists, there will be a link to the appropriate web site where you can find information about getting your IP address off the black list:
Copyright 1998-2025 by Interactive Learning Paradigms Incorporated. All rights
reserved. This page was last updated: Tuesday, March 31, 2015.
Questions? Comments? Contact us by email.