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photograph of Mary Molinaro
I am a former art librarian who now heads the central library at the University of Kentucky. I have served as Team Leader for the William T. Young Library since July of 1996. The library opened to the public in April of 1998, so prior to opening I was involved in planning and preparation for the new library.

I have worked with Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) for many years as the owner and moderator of ARLIS-L, an electronic discussion of issues of interest to art and architecture information professionals. The list currently has about 1700 subscribers and is mirrored to a newsgroup bit.listserv.arlis-l.

I also work on projects related to information access on the Internet, most notably ArtSource, a project I began working on in 1993. I created ArtSource with art librarians in mind, but have found overwhelming positive feedback from the art-loving public as well.

My personal interests include gardening, travel (I go to South and Central America regularly), country music, jazz, "world" music, dogs (I have a Bouvier), and college football. I am very interested in having feedback on ArtSource. You may send mail to me at the address below:

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