Surface tension. In this demonstration, sulfur floats when sprinkled onto water. When a surfactant (a drop of soap) is added, this reduces the surface tension and the sulfur quickly settles to the bottom of the container. | |
Pressure and Volume Effects on Equilibrium. As an equilibrium gas mixture is compressed and expanded in a syringe, we see QC and Le Chatelier's Principle at work! | |
Reaction of magnesium metal with carbon dioxide. Magnesium burns more intensely when exposed to carbon dioxide, in this case, inside a block of it! Who knew that thermodynamics, free energy and activation energy could be so exciting? | |
The thermite reaction. Rust and aluminum powder react to give molten globs or iron. Everything for the pyromaniac who also wants to know more about thermodynamics, free energy and oxidation-reduction reactions. | |
Fun with liquid nitrogen. Experience the joys of frozen objects at -196 °C. In this clip, an apple and a banana are exposed to liquid nitrogen and then mistreated. We're sure there are some chemical principles to be explained here, but this one is really just fun. |
In Memory of Terry Todd - I am saddened to report that Terry Todd, the person who helped me set up and film these demonstrations, passed away in January of 2004 from surgical complications. Terry was the U of KY Chemistry Department lecture demonstrator and a great friend and colleague. He will be dearly missed by all who knew him. |
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This page was last updated Friday, March 27, 2015 and has been visited 76125 times since July 12, 2000.
This document and associated figures are copyright 19990-2025 by Rob Toreki. All rights reserved.