From: DCHAS Membership Chair <membership**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] EPA: Additional Information on New Chemicals Submissions Available in ChemView
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 12:51:05 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 850B23E0-7571-4543-AB78-0416EDBA279B**At_Symbol_Here**

OPPT Update Header

Additional Information on New Chemicals Submissions Available in ChemView

EPA is publishing Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 5 exemption type notices, their attachments, including any health and safety studies, any modifications thereto, and all other associated information in ChemView, starting with notices received in April 2020. Increasing the information available to the public is part of EPA's commitment to enhance and expand transparency around the process for approving new chemicals submissions.

The notices, starting with those received in April, will be found in ChemView under the New Chemical Notices output selection. The exemptions will include Low Release/Low Exposure Exemptions (LOREX), LOREX modifications, Low Volume Exemptions (LVE), LVE Modifications, Test Market Exemption Applications (TMEA), Biotech TMEAs, and TSCA Environmental Release Applications for Microorganisms (TERA).

EPA will make the exemption notices available in ChemView within 45 days of receipt. The notices and associated attachments will be posted in ChemView in the form they are received by EPA. While EPA will not be reviewing CBI-sanitized filings before publishing, the agency is committed to protecting valid CBI claims.

Reminder about CBI Claims

TSCA section 14(c)(1)(A) requires that all CBI claims be made at the time of submission. Submitters are solely responsible for properly redacting or CBI-sanitizing these notices, as appropriate, in accordance with EPA regulations at 40 CFR 720.80.  Before submitting your TSCA section 5 notices:

  • Verify the asserted CBI claims are correct and consistent.
  • Verify the sanitized versions of the form, attachments, and file names are checked for proper and consistent CBI redactions and that watermarks or stamps indicating CBI are removed.  

TSCA section 14 provides limits on CBI claims for health and safety data and studies submitted in section 5 filings. Please ensure that all CBI claims in section 5 submissions are consistent with the requirements of TSCA section 14 and 40 CFR 720, Subpart E.

Learn more about filing a TSCA Section 5 exemption notice with EPA.

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