From: "Kennedy, Sheila" <s1kennedy**At_Symbol_Here**>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] safety education in the curriculum
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 00:25:52 +0000
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Listers (with apologies for those who read more than one list):

In our discussion about bringing safety topics into the curriculum, an Instructor asked about student learning goals (SLOs, as my teacher friends say).


This is a first shot at organizing my thoughts. I realize I’ve loaded a lot onto the G-CHEM student. Should some topics be reserved for the second year lab students? I’d really appreciate your input on this.


Wishing you the best always,



Sheila Kennedy, C.H.O.

Safety Coordinator | Teaching Laboratories

UCSD Chemistry & Biochemistry |MC 0303

s1kennedy**At_Symbol_Here** |

Office: (858) 534-0221 | Fax: (858) 534-7687





For a general chem student

=B7         Hazard Communication.

o   Find hazard information in the literature & labels.

o   Use hazard information to write bottle labels for solutions.


=B7         Hazardous recognition and response.

o   Recognize and follow instructions to handle hazardous waste.

o   Recognize and correctly respond to chemical hazards in lab: corrosives, poisons, flammable materials.    

o   Recognize and correctly respond to physical hazards in lab: sharps, heavies, electrical circuits and wet floors.

o   Recognize and correctly respond to physical hazards at home: sharps, heavies, electrical circuits and wet floors.

o   Recognize and correctly respond to chemical hazards at home: bleach, cleaners, medication.


=B7         Engineering Controls.

o   Describe how chemical hood protects worker.

o   Describe limitations of chemical hood as worker protection.

o   Use chemical hood correctly.

o   Keep laboratory doors closed.


=B7         Administrative Controls.

o   Follow instructions.

o   Use bottle carriers for transportation of hazardous materials.


=B7         Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

o   Use hazard information to select correct PPE.

o   Wear and remove PPE, as appropriate to the lab task..

o   Restrain long hair and loose clothing.

o   Arrive prepared for class with information (chemical hazards, procedures) as well as appropriate clothing/tools/PPE.


=B7         Incident response.

o   Notify Supervisor of all incidents.

o   Call for assistance in case of injury/illness or other lab incident.

o   Respond correctly to spills/leaks: water, acid/base, flammable solvent, toxic solid.

o   Provide minimal first aid for lab incidents:

=A7  Wash chemical spill or minor burn.

=A7  Turn on shower/eyewash without hesitation if needed..

=A7  STOP – DROP - ROLL for clothing fire.

=A7  Treat to prevent shock.

o   Evacuate to designated location when instructed or when situation overwhelms preparation.

o   Shelter & protect head & neck until after first shock of earthquake.



For an organic/analytical chem student:

=B7         Organize work plan to minimize waste and spills.

=B7         Hazard Communication.

o   Describe purpose and scope of GHS 2012.

o   Recognize and interpret GHS pictograms.

o   Locate information on GHS 2012 on OSHA website.

=B7         Hazardous recognition and response.

o   Use hazard information to select correct work location (bench vs. hood).

o   Recognize and correctly handle hazardous waste; ask for alternative containers, if needed.

o   Recognize and report malfunction of safety system, such as chemical hood.

o   Recognize and report faulty electrical systems.

=B7         Engineering Controls.

o   Describe laboratory air flow and how airflow influences worker safety.


=B7         Administrative Controls.

o   Segregate reagents by hazards.

o   Specify controls for use of flammable materials.

o   Specify controls for use of compressed gases.

o   Describe correct storage for heavy equipment.


=B7         Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

o   Choose correct eye protection for dry vs. wet chemical work.

o   Choose correct eye protection for use of power tools/garden equipment.

=B7         Incident response.

o   Write a clear statement of a lab incident



For a BS Chem graduate

=B7         Hazard Communication.

o   Write a chemical label, per GHS 2012.


=B7         Hazardous recognition and response.

o   Plan experiments to minimize hazardous waste.

o   Recognize and respond to ergonomic hazards in labs and offices.


=B7         Engineering Controls.

o   Describe laboratory fire safety system.

o   Select appropriate evacuation area for work group/building.


=B7         Administrative Controls.

o   Inspect fire extinguishers monthly.

o   Specify controls for use of lasers, pyrophorics and other high-hazards materials.


=B7         Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

o   Select and purchase PPE for self and others.

o   Speak to others to assure correct use of PPE.


=B7         Incident response.

o   Supervise evacuation of less experienced workers.



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