From: "Buczynski, Michael" <Michael.Buczynski**At_Symbol_Here**RB.COM>
Subject: Re: FW: [DCHAS-L] [DCHAS-L] chemicals and bikes
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:09:39 +0000
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 120A44E3-0F0A-4704-9F91-5223CF33A41A**At_Symbol_Here**
In-Reply-To <1405526511.75668.YahooMailNeo**At_Symbol_Here**>

Hear Hear

On Jul 16, 2014, at 11:05 AM, "Roger McClellan" <roger.o.mcclellan**At_Symbol_Here**ATT.NET> wrote:

To all:
    Up till now,  I have  resisted responding to this string of e-mails. I was actually flabbergasted by the initial inquiry. However, in a private conversation with a colleague the response to me was I just did not understand how Universities worked and how low safety professionals typically  were in the University hierarcy.
      I am responding today because we have additional front page  headlines about how one of the world's alleged leading health institutions, the CDC , has failed to follow its own rules for handling dangerous biological agents and failed to adequately inspect other laboratories. As you all know, the world of chemical safety and biological safety are joined at the hip. In both arenas, there is a need for science based safety procedures. That requires rigorous analysis and development of codified rules for conduct to minimize the potential for any adverse impact on faculty, staff, students and the public.
      In my view, a "chemical waste storage" facility is exactly what is stated, it is a  "chemical waste storage " facility. I find it difficult to comprehend how a faculty member , who should be providing leadership for creating a safe environment would even suggest the "chemical waste  storage room" could also be used for "bike storage" . The reasons are clear as suggested by someone that the "chemical waste storage" room might contain corrosive vapors. If someone has a chemical waste storage facility in which it is obvious that corrosive vapors are present I hope it is evident to them they need to do a thorough analysis of the facility as to the adequacy of the operating procedures including ventilation. The analysis should have a cradle to grave orientation that considers all chemicals from the time of ordering to delivery to storage to use and on through to disposal. It is a linked system. The "chemical waste storage" room should be specific for the purpose not just a convenient empty room.
      However, the real bottom line message, out of what I view as a nonsensical exchange, is that a "safety culture" that engages personnel at all levels is needed to ensure the safety of all personnel. Teaching institutions have a special responsibility since they should be educating students as to best practices. It is unfortunate the Judge in the UCLA case did not impose penalties on officials of the University at all levels that contributed to a culture that accepted unsafe practices at UCLA. Everyone needs to learn from that case..
      In my opinion, an institution that has faculty  who raise  the question of whether a "chemical storage room " may also for convenience be used as a "bike storage" area does not have the appropriate "safety culture". for educating future generations.
      Best wishes to all who toil in the trenches to create and maintain safe work environments.

Roger O. McClellan, DVM, MMS, DSc (Honorary)
Diplomate - ABT and ABVT; Fellow- ATS, AAAR, SRA , HPS, and AAAS
Member - Institute of Medicine
Advisor, Toxicology and Risk Analysis

On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 6:13 AM, Wayne Wood <wayne.wood**At_Symbol_Here**MCGILL.CA> wrote: