Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 13:12:37 +0000
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**>
From: "Hopkins, Ron" <Ron.Hopkins**At_Symbol_Here**EKU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Use of a fire blanket
In-Reply-To: <2076488121.4846041322864019262.JavaMail.root**At_Symbol_Here**>
The current edition of NFPA 45 (2011) contains basically the same text as posted... It has been moved to A. Free access to read only versions for all NFPA documents can be obtained by going to the NFPA website, Then click on "Codes and Standards" in the navigation bar, then using the navigation table left side of the page click on "List of NFPA Codes and Standards", then you will directed to the listing. From there you can select the document that you wish to view, NFPA 45. You will then be directed to the "Document Page". At the bottom of the "Document Information" tab, you will see a link to "View the Document Online". Then you will be directed to the registration page, complete the free registration, there will be a delay in access until your email address is verified. This can take up to 1 day, but you will have read only access to all of the NFPA documents. Read only access is not the easiest way to view the documents, but it is free.... and especially useful when you do not usually use a document frequently. For frequent use, a purchased hard copy, PDF, or subscription service will solve the problem. Fee for each varies. Hope that this is helpful. Ron Ron Hopkins, CFEI, CFPS Associate Professor (Retired) Fire and Safety Engineering Technology 123 Redwood Drive Richmond, KY 40475-8538 859-624-1136 Voice 859-623-6863 FAX 859-200-1515 Mobile ________________________________________ From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU] on behalf of Jeffrey Lewin [jclewin**At_Symbol_Here**MTU.EDU] Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 5:13 PM To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Use of a fire blanket I don't have access to official NFPA documents but several safety blogs and at least one (presumably unofficial) reprint of the of Appendix A from "NFPA 45 Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals, 2000 Edition" states the following: "A. Laboratory personnel should be thoroughly indoctrinated in procedures to follow in cases of clothing fires. The most important instruction, one that should be stressed until it becomes second nature to all personnel, is to immediately drop to the floor and roll. All personnel should recognize that, in case of ignition of another person‚s clothing, they should immediately knock that person to the floor and roll that person around to smother the flames. Too often a person will panic and run if clothing ignites, resulting in more severe, often fatal, burn injuries. Fire-retardant or flame-resistant clothing is one option available to help reduce the occurrence of clothing fires. Refer to NFPA 1975, Standard on Station/Work Uniforms for Fire and Emergency Services, for performance requirements and test methods for fire-resistant clothing. It should be emphasized that use of safety showers, fire blankets, or fire extinguishers are of secondary importance. These items should be used only when immediately at hand. It should be recognized that rolling on the floor not only smothers the fire but also helps to keep flames out of the victim‚s face, reducing inhalation of smoke." Jeff Lewin Departmental Laboratory Supervisor, CHO Biological Sciences Michigan Technological University ----- Original Message ----- From: "McGrath Edward J"To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 2:03:18 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Use of a fire blanket Dear Dr. Mowery: I‚m unable to find specific recommendations against using a fire blanket in this manner, but I know I‚ve heard others mention these dangers. My understanding of proper fire blanket use is 1) To cover a fire in the immediate area before it spreads (if possible) or 2) to wrap up a non-burning person who must evacuate through a danger area (danger of burns). You may want to contact a manufacturer of fire blankets with this question. If the dangers you mention are real, they would know better than anyone to avoid liability of their product. Edward J. McGrath Science Supervisor Red Clay Consolidated School District 1502 Spruce Avenue Wilmington, DE 19805 (302) 552-3768 "Fortune favors the prepared mind." Louis Pasteur From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU] On Behalf Of Barbara Mowery Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 12:46 PM To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU Subject: [DCHAS-L] Use of a fire blanket Good afternoon, I have received the following question from a colleague-your input would be much appreciated. "Hi, I have been receiving emails regarding the dangers associated with using fire blankets and I'm concluding that we should probably not use them to wrap up someone who might be on fire in one of our labs.... Fire blankets are valuable in labs for a variety of purposes. One of those does not happen to be wrapping yourself in them to extinguish your clothing fire. In addition to trapping the heat, the fire blanket creates a chimney effect and directs the hot, toxic gases, and flames into your face, breathing zone and lungs. Whether you go to the shower or not depends on your distance. For anything more than 2-3 steps, please stop, drop, and roll. Someone else can get the blanket and use it to help smother the flames. Then, cool off in the shower. Blankets can also be used for (1) shower modesty curtains, (2) wraps for after the shower, (3) a temporary stretcher, (4)to keep someone warm to avoid shock, (5) a pillow if the victim needs to be on the floor, and (6) to smother other fires." -- Barbara Mowery General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator Physical Sciences Department York College of Pennsylvania 441 Country Club Road York PA 17403-3651 113 Campbell Hall 717-815-6480 Fax 717-849-1653 This information is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any review, disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this e-mail communication by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately by returning this message to the sender and delete all copies.
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