(Note: This post is 19 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 10:48:34 -0500
Reply-To: List Moderator <esf**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: List Moderator <esf**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Subject: Chemical Health and Safety Divisional Workshops
Comments: To: safety**At_Symbol_Here**list.uvm.edu, LABSAFETY-L LABSAFETY-L

The Division of Chemical Health and Safety of the American Chemical  
Society will be hosting several workshops at the ACS national meeting  
next month in Atlanta. See http://membership.acs.org/c/chas/ 
workshops.htm for links to the registration page.

- Ralph

Chemical Health and Safety Divisional Workshops

Below is the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Health &  
Safety's standing workshop schedule. These workshops are offered on a  
regular basis at national and regional ACS meetings. Contact Russ  
Phifer  with any questions about the workshops.

You are welcome to join the Division to obtain the Member's rate for  
any and all workshops. Non-member pricing includes one year's  
membership to the Division.

The Laboratory Safety Workshop
Friday, March 24
$325.00 non-members/ $275.00 CHAS members

Dr. James Kaufman or Dr. W.H. (Jack) Breazeale

This classic presentation on laboratory safety by the Laboratory  
Safety Institute (LSI) has been attended by thousands of safety  
professions. With experience in both industrial and academic  
laboratories, Jim and Jack give a "real world" approach to safety  
issues in the laboratory. Their stories are both interesting and  
pertinent. Interactive demonstrations help you deal with everything  
from creative wiring in the lab to administrators without a vision of  
what it means to have safe workplace. Highly entertaining, and an  
excellent forum to speak openly about safety problems in your workplace.

Laboratory Waste Management
Friday, March 24
$375.00 non-members/ $325.00 CHAS members

Mr. Russell Phifer

This comprehensive one-day course will identify the various  
regulatory requirements that apply to laboratories that generate  
hazardous waste, as well as provide insight into the options for on- 
site management and off-site disposal. Focus will include discussion  
on recycling/reclamation techniques, economical handling of wastes,  
and liability issues. Mr. Phifer has over 25 years experience in  
managing laboratory wastes for academic and industrial laboratories  
and is a member and former chair of the ACS Task Force on  
Environmental Health & Safety.

How To Be A More Effective Chemical Hygiene Officer
Saturday, March 25
$375.00 non-members/ $325.00 CHAS members

Dr. James Kaufman, Mr. Russell Phifer, Dr. George H.Wahl, Jr.

Take a close look at the Chemical Hygiene Officer position, and  
prepare at the same time for the "CHO" Certification exam to be held  
the next day. Kaufman, Phifer and Wahl give a different slant to  
safety issues in the laboratory, focusing on what you do and how you  
can do it better. The presenters bring a wide variety of experience  
to the table, but the real stars of the workshop are you - past  
attendees note the interactive approach focusing on their problems,  
from getting administrators involved in safety to dealing with  
regulatory concerns.

The course covers all of the content areas of the certification exam  
(presented on Sunday through NRCC), including a sample test in the  
same format as the real one. Whether you are a new Chemical Hygiene  
Officer or an "old" one, you will find something to put to real use  
in this fast-paced presentation. You can request an application  
packet for the Chemical Hygiene Officer certification examination by  
National Registry of Certified Chemists online at http://www.nrcc6.org

Laboratory Ventilation for the Research Professional
Saturday, March 25
$375.00 non-members/ $325.00 CHAS members

Presented by Jim Kapin, Advanced Chemical Safety

Effective Laboratory ventilation is crucial for the control of  
inhalation exposures to hazardous chemicals in a research setting.  
However, ventilation is only effective when designed and used  
appropriately. The purpose of this workshop is to provide the  
laboratory professional with sufficient information to evaluate their  
current system and use it effectively. This presentation is developed  
specifically for researchers and laboratory professionals. It will be  
valuable to anyone who wishes to maximize the effectiveness of their  
current system or participate in the design, construction or  
renovation of new systems.

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