Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:07:54 -0700
Reply-To: Larry Gibbs <lgibbs**At_Symbol_Here**STANFORD.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Larry Gibbs <lgibbs**At_Symbol_Here**STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Fw: [DCHAS-L] Safety Rules
In-Reply-To: <p06010233bd661ae4daef**At_Symbol_Here**[]>

There is actually a greater incentive to hospitals than inviting OSHA in
and that is the JCAHO accreditation that requires compliance with both
patient care and employee protection requirements.  I would first take this
to the hospital group that manages the JCAHO program and indicate that
failure to comply with the "standard of care" for patients and employees
creates a risk to the personnel involved as well as to the
employees.  Also, your risk manager should be able to support this program
as a preventive control on worker's compensation.  Aside from the obvious
issue of protecting employees, often making a business case for a change in
procedure can be more effective.

Lawrence M. Gibbs, CIH
Associate Vice Provost
Environmental Health and Safety
EH&S - 480 Oak Road
Stanford University
Stanford, CA  94305-8007
Ph:  650/723-7403   Fax:  650/725-3468
e-mail: LGibbs**At_Symbol_Here**
EH&S Web Site

At 07:43 AM 9/9/2004, Gordon Miller wrote:
>There's a good historical precedent, X-rays/CAT scans. The operators
>protect themselves because there is risk to the procedure but they
>get no benefit at all (besides pay and a dosimeter) and because the
>more exposures they get compared to patients means they have much
>greater risk.
>At least you're in the same room as the patient. I've only had one
>x-ray where the operator staid with me while wearing a flexible lead
>apron (a GI series - ugh!).
>>I'm having a similar problem, but in a different industry.  I have
>>moved into healthcare, specifically in an Oncology Clinic and
>>Infusion center.  We have a number of new NIOSH recommendations and
>>OSHA standards coming regarding chemotherapy.  (I don't know how
>>familiar you are with chemo and all the new monoclonal antibodies,
>>etc that are coming out, but I'd take a sulfuric acid splash over a
>>large taxane exposure anyday.) We need to implement a lot of new PPE
>>aside from the gloves the nurses have always worn, and you wouldn't
>>believe the complaints!  They have now convinced the clinic manager
>>and the VP over our clinic that it will be detrimental to patient
>>care because we're going to scare them if the nurses come at them
>>dressed in the full required PPE.  I admit that I would probably be
>>a little scared too if someone came at me dressed head to toe in a
>>gown, gloves and goggles and told me it was to protect themselves
>>from the stuff they were going to put in my body! However we can
>>address the issue with some education.  We are required now to tell
>>patients and their families that their urine, BM, and any other body
>>secretions are toxic for at least 48hrs after treatment, and the
>>nurses are refusing to tell them that also because they "don't want
>>to scare them more than they already are over being diagnosed with
>>cancer".  I'm about ready to "invite" OSHA over for a visit and see
>>how quickly they all change their minds on this little PPE issue.
>>Amy L. Bullis
>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>   From: Chris Wysong
>>   To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU
>>   Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 9:21 AM
>>   Subject: [DCHAS-L] Fw: [DCHAS-L] Safety Rules
>>   "Help",
>>   I am a new safety in my college of science and am running into
>>problems with the dean.  He does not want to follow standard
>>laboratory practices regarding clothing (short tops, long pants,
>>shoes) because it might scare someone.  His logic behind the pants
>>is they could trap corrosives and cause more damage than if the
>>student was wearing shorts.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how
>>to deal with this issue or knows about an injury resulting from
>>wearing pants as opposed to shorts?
>>   I am trying to convince him, using the ACS guide to laboratory
>>safety but to no avail.  If anyone could offer suggestions it would
>>be appreciated.
>>   Thanks
>>   Chris Wysong

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